Be Teachable
"Listen and be teachable. Laugh at good stories and learn to tell them...for as long as you are green, you can grow." - Mother Teresa
I genuinely believe that there is something to be learned from everyone and that true humility directly corresponds to staying open and eager to be taught.
It's a thrilling thing, really, to notice how much there is left to discover about the world around us and perhaps even more to uncover about the world within us. This earth is so big, so beautiful, so boundlessly abundant and varied and wild. I can only imagine how vibrant and interesting our lives could be if we simply loosened up on our ego’s need to know everything or always be right because what a phenomenal and brilliant gift to finally understand that the world is full of fresh things for us to experience and inhabited by millions upon millions of beings from which to learn something new!
What would your life look like if you started approaching each moment with mind and heart open, eyes wide with wonder, willing and excited to explore?
Could you find the courage to swallow your pride and soften the edges of your opinions?
Could you choose to celebrate that you do not know everything?
Could you actively opt to open up with curiosity and respectful attention to the things you do not yet know?
None of us know everything and thank goodness you don’t because life would be pretty darned boring if you had nothing new to learn and nowhere to grow. Let’s embrace the wonder and potential that comes with humbly and enthusiastically embracing that we have so much left to learn!
"...'my dear friend,' the old green grasshopper said gently, 'there are a whole lot of things in this world of ours you haven't started wondering about yet.'" - Roald Dahl