Laugh Language
“Laughter is the language of the soul” - Pablo Neruda
There are few things that heal the soul more than a true, deep, make your abs ache and your cheeks sore, belly laugh! It is a universal connector - a language which all people speak and a feeling that all people know. It's the eternal firefly - a glowing light switch lingering somewhere mysterious inside each of us that when turned on transforms darkness into fireworks and heaviness into feather pillows. And I don't think I do it enough...and I wonder if any of us do it enough...
Each year on my birthday (eek, so soon!) I love to take a sliver of time to marinate on my experience of the past year and pick out a word or two as a beacon of guidance for the year ahead. This year the primary word that has been bubbling its way into view is, “laughter”. I think there is play to be found in each day and a twinkle of amusement fizzing just under the surface of even the most seemingly mundane task - and I'm committed to seeking it out often and enthusiastically!
“Laughter is the shortest distance between two people” - Victor Borges