Support Allows Depth

“...The sky would be awfully dark with just one star.” - Stacie Martin

Support allows depth.

I think this is quite true both on and off of the mat...

In your asana practice, finding foundational stability in a shape provides such a beautiful platform for you to explore the range of your expression.

In life, the more safely held and supported you feel, the more willing you are to try new things, to take the next step, to explore your world a bit more fully.

It is breathtaking...the moment you realize that championing the dreams and successes of others does not make you shine with any less vibrancy - that your whistles and applause for those whom you admire and look up to, for those who spark light and glow with genuine hearts - that there is room and space for every individual to be genuinely dazzling and that in us all cheering for each other's most luminous soar we in turn find more twinkle within ourselves.

What a beautiful world we live in where you have the opportunity to surround yourself with those who will lift you up, those who will be your backbone when you need the strength, who see your shine even on days when you can't, and who celebrate with you on the days when you can.

So today perhaps we take a moment to gratefully acknowledge the people who provide support in our lives...and maybe we take it a step further and choose to BE the support for others within our orbit.

Support your loved ones.

Listen to their ideas.

Celebrate their victories.

Nurture their self-worth when they fail.

Share their posts.

Show up to their events.

Find out their love language and speak it to them often.

Anchor them when they are drifting and be the steady wind when they are ready to sail.

Choose to cheer louder, to smile brighter, to bolster, to give a leg up, to be undeniably unafraid of singing the praises of those around you!

BE the support you know you can be.

Because there is so much beauty in a sky full of stars and there is ample room for each of us to shine. Let's light up the sky together.

"It's good to be blessed. It's better to be a blessing." - Jerry Smith


No F.O.M.O.


Playfulness = Openness