The Good You Might Do…

"Are you afraid of the good you might do?" - Victor Hugo

I can't help but think that sometimes we hold back not from fear of failure but from fear of success. It's like if we actually showed up completely and authentically as ourselves, if we actually were as kind as we know we can be, if we actually shot for the stars and lived the lives of our dreams then all of a sudden we would have something to lose.

It's such a strange thing that when having a moment of purest joy and celebration that so often the very next thought is, "I wonder how long this will last?" or, "What happens when this goes away?" It's like we are afraid of giving in to the goodness of the moment because we fear losing it. We hold back instead of taking the leap because being in the moment means being vulnerable.

So, let's take a breath to imagine what amazing and incredible GOOD you could do in this world if you allowed yourself to. That is a world I would love to live in.


1440 Minutes


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