Authenticity And Intuition

...Authenticity and intuition walk hand in hand...

We live in a pretty noisy world – a constant din of voices telling us the way we should act, the way we should look, the way we should measure our success, the way we should should should do anything and everything. How do we find our authentic selves when we are buried under the weight of everyone else’s opinions and ideas? It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

There are many ways you can define intuition – a gut feeling, a hunch, a knowing without conscious reasoning – and all of them are probably accurate and true. Whatever the definition and however you personally access your intuition doesn’t really matter as long as it works for you.

Intuition is often a whisper, not a shout. Intuition will not yell or scream or force you to listen. Rather, it is a gentle breeze tickling against your skin asking to be felt and heard. The important thing is getting quiet enough to hear it and still enough to feel it…

Accessing your intuition is a gateway to accessing your authenticity. So tune in. What is your intuition trying to tell you today?


Revolve To Evolve


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