Revolve To Evolve
evolve (verb) /ēˈvälv/ to develop gradually by a process of growth and change
I was asked the other day what started me on a path of personal transformation and intentional growth in my life. I immediately thought of the heartbreaking, eye-opening, ground shaking, firework-sized, explosive moments of my life where change wasn't an was a necessity. But as I sat with the question, the edges around my thoughts started to soften.
As vital as those explosive moments were to catalyze expansion in my life, they are not happening in my life every single day (thank goodness). Rather, it is the day-to-day micro-steps of practiced mindfulness that lead to genuine personal transformation.
So I landed on a thought: transformation is a practice. We evolve around what we revolve around. How we choose to center our thoughts and what we choose to revolve our practices around gives us daily, incremental, miniature boosts of momentum - consistent adaptability and sustainable change. Personal transformation is built not in the few big choices we will face in life but in trillions of little ones.
So what are you choosing to revolve your daily practices around?