Your Magical Powers
"Of course words are magic. That's why they call it spelling." - Brian Holguin
I have always loved words. They can be so beautiful - dripping off the tongue like warm honey into tea - and they can be so terrible - sharpened daggers slicing to places within us that live far deeper than bone. Words can coax our spirits into sunlight - startling flocks of belly butterflies into tumbling flight - and they can just as easily shut us into muddy darkness - syllables spoken into brick and stone built to protect aching hearts.
With this kind of profound influence in our lives, I can't help but think that words are indeed individualized spells that we send out into the world. And I suppose that makes us all innately and abundantly magical - casters of hundreds of spells each and every single day.
I'm always so amazed - and more than a little bit afraid - of how carelessly we throw around our words. We forget that they are each small but potent spells that we are lobbing out into the word as grenades of hope, love, pain, or fear - like any tossed missile, they will find a place to land either in the hearts of others or in our own.
So be careful with your magical powers - when speaking to yourself and when speaking to others...because you are more powerful than you could possibly know and your words matter more than you may think.