I Am Enough

What other people think of me is none of my business…

No matter who you are at some point in your life some one has probably told you who you should be, how you should show up, what they like or dislike about you, their idea how you need to interact with the world. Chances are some of those opinions stuck, took root. wound their tendrils around your heart and cemented themselves into your habits and wriggled their way into the things that you now believe about yourself.

I think that it's natural to want to please others, to want to fit in, to want to be the ideal that others want us to be. I also think that in constantly taking on the burden of other peoples opinions we become heavy and chained to learned behaviors and beliefs about ourselves that truly do not fit the vibrant and true self that actually lies underneath.

I hope that we can use the yoga practice as a way to reconnect to self - to the people we were before the world got ahold of us - to lovingly untangle the snares and bindings and choose instead to listen with rapt attention to the voice inside. It's a simple truth that you will never be enough for everybody.

But, if you are willing to try, you may find the courage to be enough for yourself


Permission To Rest


Turn Down The Volume