Turn Down The Volume

"Avoid the temptation to make choices that are familiar but no longer serve you.” - Unknown

A little over a week into a new year and already I've felt myself sliding comfortably back into some of my well-worn but wildly outdated stories and habits - settling into ways of thinking that perhaps at some point served to protect or preserve but that have become, at best, a crutch I've been leaning on too heavily and, at worst, a tried and true way to numb out and disconnect.

I don't always set new year intentions...I think it's just as lovely to try as best as we can to live with kindness each day...but this year I've chosen a word for some self-guidance - intuition - a short and sweet dedication to turn down the external noise to better hear what's within. By pausing to listen to the voice within we can then choose with gentle honesty the right actions to take.

Looking forward to sharing intention, integrity, and intuition with you all this year. Love you.


I Am Enough


Breathe Through It